5 tips to feel less stressed
- Take care of your mind and body. Eat healthily, get enough sleep, get out into nature, do some physical activity or exercise – whatever helps you feel rested, relaxed and rejuvenated. Relaxing in a hot spa is a great way relax – boosting both mental and physical health (learn more below).
- Be kind to yourself. Remember, you can only do so much in one day. Take the pressure off and give yourself a break. If you find that difficult, think how you would treat a friend in the same position. What would you say to them?
- Find activities to de-stress. Try and do one thing every day that makes you feel good and helps relieve stress. Watch a movie, have a spa or hang out with friends.
- Prioritise and simplify. Put things in perspective by focusing on what is really important in your life. Put more energy into connecting with the things that matter, and less into the things that don’t.
- Learn how to manage stress. Whether we like it or not, stress is a part of modern-day life. We might not be able to get rid of it - but we can reduce its effect on us. Skills like problem-solving, healthy communication, healthy thinking. meditation, breathing techniques and better planning can all help you manage stress better.